Is Seminary For You? 3 Things to Consider
Why Spiritual Formation is Important in Seminary [Part Two]
Like Walking on Water: A Christmas Poem by a Seminary Graduate
A guest post by Thomas Worth, master of divinity and doctor of ministry graduate of Northeastern Seminary:
Like Walking on Water
By Thomas Worth
A Christmas Sermon for 2011
The Benefits of Test-Driving Ministry through Field Education
A guest post from Dr. Nelson Grimm, director of field education at Northeastern Seminary:
Why Spiritual Formation is Important in Seminary
Start the New Year, Start Seminary: 7 Reasons to Start in January
Rural Ministry: Rewards and Challenges
Shady Grove Wesleyan Church
Charles Vollmer, pastor
What's It Like to Be a Chaplain?
With only 44 percent of Americans regularly attending some form of religious service, and only 61 percent of that total identifying themselves as Christian, students and alumni of Northeastern Seminary respond by bringing God’s love to people’s everyday lives—as chaplains.
Baby Boomers Going to Seminary
When the British Broadcasting Company was investigating a recent trend among older Americans’ desire for seminary education sparked by a Time magazine article, correspondent Johnny Dymon selected Northeastern Seminary as the focus for a short radio documentary. Interviews with Academic Vice President and Dean Doug Cullum, current student Mary Van Houten, graduate Bill Rabjohn, and prospective student Shawn Carey provided a window into the dynamic pull second-career people feel toward seminaries and on the decision process that incurs. Listen to the audio clip that recently aired in the United Kingdom on BBC radio.