The Earth is Full of Holy Glory
A guest post by Howard Snyder, presenter at the New Creation conference on October 19
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A guest post by Howard Snyder, presenter at the New Creation conference on October 19
A guest post by Diane Stephens, a keynote speaker at the McCown Symposium on September 23
A guest post by Doug Milne (M.Div. '10, Northeastern Seminary)
A guest post by Larry Petry, M.Div. student, youth pastor, Gerry Free Methodist Church, Gerry, NY
There’s a thought among some church leaders that a majority of teens leave the church after they go off to college. Some believe this decline in attendance stems from a desire to go deeper and be real about life and faith, a desire that is not being met in church. Rachel Held Evans recently addressed this topic, expressing that “what millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance” (CNN Belief Blog). Over the next few weeks, we’ll take a look at different ways youth leaders can go deeper in their youth ministry.
Many churches experience anxiety in these days as attendance declines, budgets tighten, and the younger generation heads for the exits. The church has faced anxious days before, and then, as now, responses among its people have varied, ranging from respiration and preservation to innovation and expansion. However, Jason E. Vickers, Ph.D., featured speaker at the Church Renewal Conference hosted by Northeastern Seminary in March, recommends that before we respond we must be theologically rooted in the holiness of God.
A post by guest blogger, Glen Dornsife, M.Div. '13: