Symbols of the Season

Christmas Day_Northeastern Seminary.jpg

Our prayer for you this Christmas Day.

May the deep meaning
symbolized in the green boughs of the season

Cause us to celebrate the promise of new life—a sign of
the hope that in Christ all live forever,

Remind us of the power of Christ to heal the hurts of the
body and soul,

Invite us to magnify God’s lasting covenant—the gift of
Jesus Christ our Messiah.

And as we prepare for a new year
may our daily activities reflect Christ’s incarnation.

The tradition of the hanging of the greens dates back to the Middle Ages in which Christians decked their sanctuary with the boughs of evergreens. This act symbolized the promise of life renewed and everlasting.

Balsam—eager anticipation
Cedar—incorruptibility and healing
Spruce—hope in adversity
Pine—the meaning of eternal life
Holly—to understand in such a way as to prophecy
Bay laurel—victory over death

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